Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Catholic Primary School

Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School

  • Our Lady of Victories
  • Clareville Street
  • London SW7 5AQ
  • 020 7373 4491
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Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School Life at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School

School Governing Body

The Governing Body is made up of a group of volunteers whose role is to work as a team to ensure that the school delivers a broad and balanced curriculum. They do this by:

• Helping plan the school’s future direction

• Making decisions about the school’s budget and staffing

• Ensuring the National curriculum is taught

• Deciding how the school can encourage pupils’ spiritual, moral and social development

• Monitoring and evaluating school performance

The full governing body meets at least once a term and much of their work is carried out at sub-committee level. Our school’s governing body has twelve members, seven of which are Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese of Westminster, two parent governors elected by parents, two staff governors and one Local authority governor. A list of the current school governors are detailed below.

Associate members cannot vote at meetings of the full governing body in a maintained school but they can vote on committees if they have been given the power to do so by the governing body.

Governors 23-24

Governor's name      

Designation Term of office              
Mgr. Jim Curry


Mrs Karen Wyatt


Sep 2023

Mrs. Anna Mathias        

Foundation Governor 

16/09/2020 - 15/09/2024

Mr. Matthieu Ducharme   Foundation Governor 16/09/2019 - 14/01/2023
Mr. Francesco D'Aiuto       Parent Governor 22/02/2022 - 21/02/2026
Mr Ryan Yap Foundation Governor
Mr. Danny Daniel Parent Governor 22/02/2022 - 21/02/2026
Miss Laetitia Nneke Foundation Governor  01/05/2022 - 31/08/2026
Miss Claire Browne           Staff Governor 11/10/2021-10/10/2025
   TBC LA Governor
Mrs Melissa Thirsk Foundation Governor 01/03/2021- 28/02/2025 
Mr Paul Hewitt Foundation Governor


Governor's Roles and Committee membership for 2023-24

Chair of Governors Mgr. James Curry
Vice-Chair Mrs. Anna Mathias

Learning and Achievement Committee

Mrs Karen Wyatt

Mrs. Anna Mathias
Ms Laetitia Nneke
Mr. Francesco D'Aiuto

Miss Claire Browne

Mr Ryan Yap


Resources Committee

Mr. Ryan Yap
Mr. Danny Daniel
Mr. Matthieu Ducharme
Mgr. James Curry


Admissions Committee

Mrs. Melissa Thirsk
Ms. Laetitia Nneke
Mr. Matthieu Ducharme

Declaration of Pecuniary Interests

Governor attendance at meetings 2022-2023

Governor attendance at meetings for academic year  2021 -2022

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