Keeping children safe
Safeguarding & Child Protection
We take very seriously our responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of the children in our care.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Karen Wyatt. She is supported by the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) Miss Claire Browne and Mrs Shah.
All staff are aware of the individual responsibility that each has for children's safety and well-being. All staff receive regular training in Safeguarding & Child Protection and safety measures. Further information can be found in our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy.
Attendance and Punctuality
One aspect of our duty of care for children's safety is the requirement by law that children attend school. Regular and punctual attendance at school is a prerequisite of a good education. The disruption caused by poor attendance and lateness not only affects the individual pupil but can also adversely affect other pupils and teaching staff.
The publication of a school’s attendance levels is used as one of the performance indicators for schools. Individual pupil’s attendance and punctuality is recorded on their end of year reports and contributes to leavers’ references. We aim to encourage and achieve high levels of attendance for all pupils and seek to work closely and cooperatively with parents to promote regular and punctual school attendance.
- Absence from School: If a child is absent from school, parents must contact the school on the first day of the child’s absence to explain the reason for it. A letter/email of explanation with dates of absence should be provided for the class teacher when the child returns to school. If parents do not provide a reason for the absence the absence is recorded as unauthorised.
- Continual absences for reasons which are not judged to be sufficient will not be authorised.
- Punctuality: Punctuality is expected. If your child is late for school, the lateness is recorded in the “Late Book”. Parents need to be aware that when their child is late it disturbs the class and disrupts other children's learning.
Medical and dental appointments should, as far as possible, be made outside school hours. Where this is not possible, the appointment letter must be brought into the School Office in advance so that the register can be marked accordingly.
Term dates are given to parents in advance and the expectation is that holidays are not booked during term time.
Requests for absence during term time should be put in writing and addressed to the Headteacher. The ‘Request for Absence’ form is available from the school office and it should be submitted 20 days in advance of the absence. Such absences will only be authorised in extenuating circumstances.
The security of the children in school is of paramount importance to staff, governors and parents. All entrances are secured during the day and access is by entry phone. Security cameras are in use at all times. All visitors are requested to speak clearly into the entry phone before entry and to report to the school office on arrival. Visitors to the school building are expected to sign in using the electronic device at reception and must print and wear a visitor’s badge while on site. All staff and regular parent volunteers must undergo an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check.
Emergency Contact Procedures
A record of all parents’ emergency contact numbers (work, home and mobile) as well as an
e-mail address is kept in the school office in case of illness, serious injury or unplanned school closure. Forms requesting this information are issued at the start of the academic year; however parents are reminded of the importance of notifying the school of any changes to these details, so that they can be easily contacted in the event of an emergency.
Medical and accident procedure
Care Plans are written for children with severe medical conditions and updated regularly with input from parents and the relevant medical personnel involved with the child.
If a child has a minor injury he/she will be attended to by the trained first aiders in school. An injury report form will be completed by the first aider and sent home with the child identifying the nature of injury and action taken. The details of the injury will be filed.
If a child has an accident which causes a more serious injury such as a bump to the head or significant bleeding parents will be contacted and the child carefully monitored. Parents will be contacted and together a decision made about what action should be taken.
Online Safety
We teach children about how they can stay safe when using devices which allow access to the internet. Pupils are taught through PSHE and computing classes in an age appropriate way how to ensure they follow rules for safe use. Mobile phones are not permitted anywhere in school. We support parents in their child's online access at home. Parents can find advice at any of these websites: